Friday, March 15, 2019


How I miss updating this blog..I can't think of anything to update..and busy schedule on my job can't get me here but now I'm trying my best.. and as long as we are happy with what we are doing..thats it.. this is life! I certainly believe that if you want to be grateful for everything that you do and for how far you've become you will reflect on it regularly. I have had a quite ride in my journey here in the land of Maple Leaf, been lots of ups and down.. adapting to a new culture and to a new country takes a lot of patience, adjustment and time..but this is my Canada Dream.. 
how my Canada dreams come true, and how I become a Permanent Resident in Canada?

Canada is one of the country that every Filipino's dream of, a country with lots of opportunity..yes its true..because no matter what you are.. regardless of your age, your appearance, even though you have disability as long as you can work in other words as long as you can do the job, as long as your body is not hard to find( don't be like choosy though😄)..After your hard works you have lots of money to pay off your bills and send to the Philippines! Yeheee..

For me applying in Canada is not that easy. Especially in Philippines that Canadian Embassy is very strict in terms of screening applicants.. but we cannot blame them though they only wants what is best for there country. In Canada everything should pass by right procedure. You have to be true to the government, lies and violations is not allowed, otherwise you will be banned and deported to your country of origin. 

Some says that the easiest way to come to Canada is to marry a Canadian Citizen..absolutely true tayo make the story short I got my Permanent Residency through my husband which falls in a Family/Spouse Sponsorship category. Because I unexpectedly meet my Canadian husband the love of my life, now I'm a Permanent Resident of Canada. I met my husband online through Singles Around Me..for 8 months knowing each other He came down in the Philippines to marry me. And It takes us only 6 months for the entire process for me to get my VISA.. lots of hard works and patience but its worth the wait. We applied for Sponsorship April of 2016 and was approved October very early to what we expect.. Below is the summary of our entire process.
AOR-Acknowledgement Official Receipt, SA- Sponsor Approve, PPR- Passport Request,
PP- Passport, CEM- Canadian Embassy, DM, Decision Made, VOH- Visa On Hand, IP- In Process
Visa on hand by October of 2016 but I decided to fly to Canada on February of 2017, a week before the expiration of my visa. Thank God for all the Blessings. God has been more than a kind and I am grateful for all the joy, experiences and learning it has giving me in making my Canada Dream comes true.