Wednesday, April 22, 2020


A New Year of  Life is a Priceless Blessings..

I am very grateful for everyday of this Life, One year passed, and a new one started.
On this new year of my Life, I'm ready for the bright positive things , 
and the challenges that will comes my way.

Lord God, I can't thank you enough for bringing me this far in Life. 
I might not be billionaire, but you have blessed me with life, 
good health, happiness and peace of mind. 
This gifts are worth more than all the money and treasures of the world.

Thank you for adding another year to my Life.
This priceless gift of Life that You let me be able to see and experience 
Your goodness everyday.
Thank you for another year, another day , another hour, another moment,
another opportunity to let your light shines.

I pray that you give me the strength to forge ahead in life and fulfill 
the destiny that you have placed in front of me. 
Help me to start this day with a new beginning of a wonderful year.. 
to continue to walk with You and never to escape from your hands blessings.
I pray that you will continue to love me, bless me, and keep me healthy 
all the days of my life

I pray also Lord God.. Bless my family gave them more strength 
to face the challenges of Life. Bless them good health, 
and happiness that they deserve.

I wish for my Birthday.. that this world's suffering in an age of fear 
and Pandemic will end soon.

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation,
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my Life
Of whom shall I be afraid?

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